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Fairfield United Soccer Association

Field Requests

Fairfield United has the privilege of using town fields when available through the Town.

All fields and Games MUST be scheduled through the FUSA Field Assignor. Not using the clubs field assignor means you, your team and players are not covered under the CJSA insurance policy.

Our practice fields & games field assignor is Stephen Zhawred [email protected]


STEP 1) Coordinate your schedule with your coach(s). Upon receipt of your schedule, work with your tech coach and the other teams they may coach. Try to work out a system so the tech coach can attend as many games as possible.

STEP 2) Submit your games for scheduling. Use the Google Document Link that will be sent prior to each season, fill in your teams ENTIRE HOME schedule, with any time requests noted.

  • The first priority is the Tech coaches schedule, 2nd priority is the parent coach's schedule. We try to accommodate reasonable requests. We are not able to accommodate visitors requests, it becomes too much with the size of our club and the amount of games to be scheduled.
  • Entering your game into the Google Document is the ONLY way you are playing a game that is sanctioned by CJSA coverage, this is also how you receive assignments of Referee's - All Games - Friendly's, League, Premier and Cup, must be entered into the Google Document with ALL information filled out.

STEP 3) Informing your team and opponent. You will receive an email when the schedule is complete on the Google Document, it is then the coach or managers job to, go to the Google Document and both inform your opponent and ENTER your game in the SWD schedule so it is visible to all. Enter with location and time.


The first couple of weeks of the season will be released weekly, the goal is by the 3rd weekend we will have the entire season scheduled with Times and Fields. Once a game is scheduled with Time and Field we will not make changes, only in extreme cases will changes be made.



NO CHANGES to Scheduled Games After MONDAY on the WEEK of your Game!.... NO EXCEPTIONS

GAME CANCELATIONS: Cancelations of Games AFTER Wednesday the WEEK of your scheduled game results in YOUR team being charged for the Referee crew. This $ comes out of your discretionary funds.

Parent Coaches CANNOT Cancel games due to weather - the procedure is the TOWN will rule the fields OPEN or CLOSED, if the field is OPEN the game is to be played. AT the GAME it becomes the Head Referee's job to determine Play or Cancel. NO EXCEPTIONS.

CUP GAMES, MAKE UPS & ADDITIONS: are to be added to the Google Document, and a separate email should be sent to the field scheduler, if you don't hear back in 24 hours please resend. For Cup games we will also include Referee Coordinator on the emails

Thank you for your cooperation, Fairfield United Field Coordinator

[email protected]

Contact Us

Fairfield United Soccer Association

P.O. Box 764 
Fairfield, Connecticut 06824

Email Us: [email protected]
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